Saturday, July 24, 2010

4th of July as such

We enjoyed the 4th. Usually the radio station has a country showdown that we love to listen to and then watch the fireworks. We go sit in the "Sunbowl" and just enjoy the evening together. This year we invited Brenda and her family to join us. We didn't find out until that evening that the radio station had scheduled a concert instead. I wasn't too sure about that. I look forward to the showdown every year. Anyway, the band, I can't remember who, did a great job. We really enjoyed them by dancing and singing and just having a good time. Brenda had brought some glow stick things that the children really enjoyed. It was fun to be together. The fireworks were nice too.
The next day was my big Sunday. I had a 7 and 8 am meeting, played the organ, conducted and gave the lesson in Relief Society, and then went back to the deaf branch to play the organ for them. It was a very LONG day. I gave the lesson on strengthening the family. I talked a lot about our trip and how hopefully some of the things we did helped us. I think it went well.
We went camping as a family in Pinevalley on the 12th. We made ice cream while there. We forgot to take our smore things so at least we still had a treat. It turned out great. We can't wait to use it again. We found a site that is up a path away from the road. Sometimes it's good to have a few children who are big enough to help. We enjoyed our night and came back the next day so AJ would receive his Webelo's badge. He earned it about 3 months ago and just hasn't been to pack meeting to get it. It was that night that I realized he was suppose to set up a tent so he could get his outdoorsman. OOPS!!
We spent the 14th, 15th, and 16th cleaning the house and storage unit. We found a lot of things we had lost or "put away" during the flood last year. We also went through all the boys clothes. We took a lot of stuff to DI. It felt good. We still have plenty to do though.
During our cleaning project we found the digital thermostat we bought just before the flood. Aaron tried putting it in last Saturday. In the process he managed to fry a lot of our AC unit. Luckily a friend from a previous ward was able to come by for several nights and try to fix it. The basement was running about 85 F, the middle floor 93 F, and upstairs about 105 F. We did all we could to only run the microwave for food. We spent a few nights at Brenda's. Thank you. The AC finally started to work last night about 11. The children slept in our room and woke up cold. YEAH!!! 6 days without airconditioning is crazy. I'm just thankful I'm not pregnant with a whole month of AC out like in 2004.
We were suppose to go camping as a family this past week and then have Father's and Son's and Mother Daughter. That got moved with the AC out. We did do it on Thursday though. AJ got the tent set up so the only thing left to get his Arrow of Light is his religious knot. Go AJ. Mattina Ann and I went to a movie, bought some things to make watches, went to dinner, enjoyed a visit with Dawson and Sophia, (Sophia was only 3 days old at the time) and went out to ice cream. I really enjoy spending time with Mattina Ann and need to find more nights to spend with her. I'm so glad she's my daughter.
Our ward had a breakfast this morning with a primary parade where the children had their bikes decorated. I remember doing such things. I think the boys had a lot of fun doing that. We went out to lunch with AJ and swimming as a family. It's so nice to spend time together. The children have been going to bed around 12 and the last 2 nights about 7:30. They are so tired they just fall right asleep. They go to bed all on there own. I wonder how long that will last?
I did a puzzle this past week. It was so relaxing. We've been talking about school starting. Aaron goes back in 2 weeks, Mattina and AJ in 2.5 weeks, and Tanner and Geremy in 3 weeks. Where did the summer go? I'm not ready for it to be over. I really have enjoyed my family this summer. I hope the next 3 weeks are slow.


BA said...

I'm glad your AC is back on. You have managed to have a great time as a family this past month. Time together is the best thing you can do for each other.

Marilyn R Miller said...

July has truly evaporated!
I cannot imagine surviving in St. George in the summer without AC.... Glad you got it going again!

We have had relatively cool summer so far, which is great for everything except tomatoes....

Love You All! M

Geremy's 4th Birthday