Sunday, December 12, 2010

Happy 40th to Me!

Yesterday was my 40th birthday. I anticipated this day for almost a year. I wasn't sure how I would feel about being 40. Because of this, Aaron planned a party for me. He is so fabulous. He planned an "Amazing Race" and we played the wii at the school. I love to play games and have fun so all this fit in perfectly. My age wasn't even brought up. We just had a lot of fun. We had sloppy joes for lunch with goodies to snack on. My dear friends, Stefanie Hinton, Suzie and Than Johnson, Paxton's, Donna and children, and Brenda and children were all able to share this day with me. Donna helped with the cake. I'm so glad so many were there. Aaron is going to make a DVD of the fun we had. I can't wait to see it. It was definately a day to remember. As far as feeling "old"? I don't. It's not that big of a deal to be 40. So far it's just been fun, fun, fun.
AJ passed off his Give Me Liberty for 5th grade on November 29th. This is a big task that the 5th graders panick about at the end of the year. It was impressive that AJ passed it off so early. It was a lot of work and he did great. We are proud of him.
Aaron's last day at Arby's was the 4th. He is DONE!!!!! No more Arby's. He worked there for 8 1/2 years. Thank you to him for taking care of this family through a job that wasn't his favorite. He stuck it out and we are all so greatful for him. We are also very excited to get to spend more time with him. The children are looking forward to spending one Saturday a month with him one on one.
This will be the last week of school this year. I am looking forward to having my family home for two plus weeks. Christmas is coming quickly. I hate that. The season is so nice, and yet so short. When it's going smoothly I wish it'd last longer. This year is one of those years.
In Relief Society we are doing the 12 days of Christmas to 5 families. I get to be in charge of this activity. It has been fun planning and getting it organized so far. The 12 days start tomorrow. It'll be busy but enjoyable. I've been amazed at the support of our ward.
Mattina Ann and AJ started basketball games last week. I'm not coaching this year. That's nice. I can focus more on Mattina Ann instead of the whole team. Both children have good coaches this year. That makes a difference. I can't wait to see the improvement this year.
We hope you too are enjoying this holiday season.


BA said...

Tammy Olsen can't believe you're 40. For some reason she couldn't post on your blog.

Marilyn R Miller said...

Hi! A belated Happy Birthday to you, dear Sherry Ann!!!!
I loved the decade between 40 and 50. I think you are far more confidant than I ever have been, but that is when I really began to feel comfortable with myself and to enjoy being me.
I accomplished things more smoothly.

Hope it was a Merry Christmas....
Happy New year!

I hope you find great joy in being where you are too.

Geremy's 4th Birthday