Tuesday, July 24, 2018

AJ’s Texas Size Graduation Trip

Day 1 July 24, 2018
Today was legen…(wait for it)...dary! It started really early. I mean, we left Grandma Baer’s house at 4:10 or so. AJ had his first plane trip on his own ticket. AJ was even able to have the window seat. We flew from Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix to San Antonio. Sherry Ann noted that there was plenty of turbulence.
Once we got our rental car, we drove straight to Schilo’s Delicatessen. It’s a German deli really close to the San Antonio Riverwalk and the Alamo. We enjoyed a great German meal and some FABULOUS root beer. Sherry Ann had hanchenschnitzel, and AJ and I loved our wienerschnitzel sandwiches. And really...the root beer was great (thank you Bishop Colf for the recommendation).

After lunch, we had some time before we wanted to hit the road, so we took a stroll on the San Antonio River Walk and ended up at the Alamo for a couple of minutes where we were accosted by members of PETA, who were protesting and wanted to make us aware of the evil Sea World Corporation that is torturing orcas. We let them ramble a bit, then went our way.

We returned to our car and tried to get out of town. We got turned around a bit, and it took us a little longer than it should have. We finally got on the correct road, after many wrong turns and one way streets. Then we were on our way to Corpus Christi. It took a bit longer than 2 hours. We found our hotel, which looks directly over the harbor with sailboats and little seafood shacks.
We decided against sitting and checking our email and Facebook accounts, and drove to our next activity...Horseback riding on the beach.

This was a great activity! We went for an hour and a half at sunset on the beach; weaving in and out of the surf and avoiding cars parked all over the beach. Sherry Ann rode on Hobo, AJ was buddies with Chester, and Aaron had fun with Jac. The guides were awesome, and … certainly DID NOT get off their horses and take our picture with our camera. That would be against company policy, you know. Hobo went through a name change during the ride. Sherry Ann renamed him “Twirls” because he would not stop turning in circles. Sherry Ann could not keep him going straight. Apparently he just started this new trick about a week ago. It was a unique experience for Sherry Ann, for sure. We got back to the stables a little sore and ready to be on our own legs.

From the stables, we made our way back to Corpus Christi to get some dinner. We chose to dine at Blackbeard’s on the Beach. It’s a little seafood place near the USS Lexington, and is supposed to be a bit haunted. Sherry Ann had a Crab Cake burger with fries, while AJ and I enjoyed some tilapia, shrimp and crab sautéed in garlic pico. I had mine with a side salad and baked potato, while AJ had his with fettuccini. It was all really good.

We finally get back to the hotel, and are now winding down for the night. We found that we don’t have the USB cable for the camera, so we can only include the pictures we have taken with the iPad. Sorry. We’ll get the rest of the pictures when we get home.

1 comment:

BA said...

I heard you leave but I was to lazy to get up. Enjoy.

Geremy's 4th Birthday