Friday, March 26, 2010

Go Us!

Things went pretty well this week. Aaron started teaching me Italian. Maybe I'll know a little by the time we get there. I have about as long as Aaron was there.
Tuesday Aaron and I went to our first Caucus (however you spell that) meeting. It was interesting. During the meeting Grandma Reep called. She's glad Aaron sent the DVD and CD. I'm glad they have them.
Wednesday I registered Tanner for Kindergarten. The first thing he told Aaron when Aaron got home was that he had been registered that day. He's really excited. I spent Tuesday and Wednesday looking for the immunization cards. I lost them either in the flood or when we cleaned out the kitchen last Fall. I ended up getting a copy from the doctor. I still haven't found them. I'm really frustrated about this.
At least Tanner still got registered.
Thursday morning Tanner told me about a dream he had. He said that he dreamed about Grandpa Reep. I asked what they were doing and he said that he wasn't in the dream. He just saw Grandpa. He said he misses him. I'm so glad he is old enough that hopefully he will always have memories of Grandpa.
Today AJ received the Super Scholar Award at school. At our last Parent Teacher Conference we talked about AJ slowing down and not being the first person to turn in his work. He does a great job but would do even better if he slowed down. He has done just that and is doing so much better on his work. I'm proud of him. That is why he receive the award. Go AJ.
Mattina Ann also received her certificate for Honor Roll. She continues to have a 4.0. Nice job Mattina Ann. She has been working a little this week on her science project. Her science fair will be on Tuesday so I guess she'll finish it up tomorrow.
Aaron found out that Arby's was broken into twice this last Wednesday. I'm starting to get worried. What if these bad people decide to come in when they are open and have weapons? I don't want Aaron there if that were to happen. We've talked about him working as a waitor at Applebee's. They are hiring experienced waitor's right now. He might even make more money there. Plus he would be aloud to work more than twice a week. I guess I know what I'll be fasting about on Sunday.
I did something crazy today. I took my clothes to change into at the gym today. When I went to put them on I realized they weren't my usual pants. They were a few sizes smaller. I didn't have anything else to put on because I was at the gym so I put them on. They were tight but they fit. I was so excited. I later realized that they were Mattina Ann's pants. WOW!! I'm doing good. Go me!!!
This next week looks really busy. It was nice having an "easier" week. Here we go again.

1 comment:

BA said...

I think he could make more money per hour with tips. I don't know how many hours he works at Arby's, but I'd check out that possibility. It is becoming scary to work at a place like fast food or a gas station.

Geremy's 4th Birthday