Saturday, April 3, 2010

My Children Are SMART!!!

Mattina Ann had the science fair this past week. She found water samples around the town and looked at the microorganisms in the water. The only place she found a lot of microorganisms was in the green yucky water on dixie rock. We tried taking pictures of them thru the microscope. Anyway, first thru 5th get to go on to district. Aaron and I didn't help her with the project other than helping teach her how to use the microscope and fixed some wording on her poster. She ended up getting 4th over all the 6th graders. I know she presented herself very well. We are very proud of her. District is on Tuesday this next week.
AJ had the 4th grade Word Challenge this week. It was Heritage against Bloomington Elementaries. Each school chose 28 students from their school to represent them. AJ was one of the 28 for Heritage. The students were given a science or math term and had to give the word or term. I didn't know a lot of these answers. It was amazing to watch. AJ took 11th out of the 56 students that competed at this competition. He took 10th out of his school. Technically he took 11th out of about 200 students. We are so proud of him.
Tanner decided this week that he wants to read. Aaron and I found some books at his level and maybe a little higher. He has been BEGGING me all week to read with him. He is doing fabulous. I can't believe how much he is reading. He's read over 80 pages in about 3 days. We are so proud of him.
AJ had a choir performance yesterday at the St. George Arts Festival. I'm glad he's participating with the choir but I don't think he's happy to be doing it. Oh well. Anyway, we walked around the art displays after his performance. Geremy was holding my hand. About half way thru it Geremy let go and layed down on his stomach while folding his hands. He was face down and kind of wiggling. I asked him "What are you doing?" He said, "Giving my shadow a hug." Aaron and I just had to laugh. He comes up with the cutest and funniest things. And he's always so innocent about it.
The children slept over at Nonna's on Thursday. It was so nice for Aaron and I to have some quiet time. I'm so happy Nonna enjoys the children. They love her so much too.
Well that's been my busy week. Very children oriented. Aren't they fun and smart? We love each of them dearly and are so proud.

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Geremy's 4th Birthday