Friday, May 21, 2010

May, May, May!

I cut all the boys hair on the 10th. The next morning I came in from dropping Mattina Ann off at the bus and Tanner and Geremy were both sitting on the couch with one hand rubbing their head. It was so cute.
Our ward had their Father's and Son's this last weekend. Mattina Ann and I had a very nice evening planned. Just as we were about to pull into the movie theater I got a phone call from Aaron saying he had 2 flat tires and a shredded tire and they were on their way home. All the way home I was wondering what he had been doing to cause this. Apparently he was upset about the whole thing and hit the car, causing a dent. Somebody from New York moved to Hurricane and had been in the mountain looking for "Gold" or something. Anyway, he saw the boys and took them to Home Depot. ALL the children were very upset. I kept it together well and figured out what to do. We quickly rescheduled the night for July and planned a family night for that night. After having dinner, Nonna came by with her RV and wanted us to check it out at her house. We didn't get home til late.
Friday night the Elders quorum president got some men together and found our van (that was WAY OFF course) and took the 3 tires off. They brought them to town and Saturday morning, got 4 new tires, went back up the mountain, put 3 tires back on the car, brought the car back, and Big O finished the tires and did an alignment. The rear tires were 1/4 of an inch off alignment. I asked Aaron to take a picture of the car without the tires, but he forgot. I just keep asking....What did Aaron do?
Brenda went to Salt Lake last week and received an award for Dick being a Son of the Revolution. She said it was really neat. Dick had done a lot of work for this. Anyway, Aaron and my 3 boys qualify for this too if we submit the paperwork. I think that's neat.
Last Saturday I had a "work" party. Biolife provided food, jump houses, games, cotton candy, popcorn, mechanical bull riding, and entertainment. There was a family there that talked about how their three children receive the plasma. Their immune system only half works. The kids talked to us as well as the mother. It was very touching. I didn't realize that I actually help people. I just get paid or "go to work". It was the best part of the whole event. I guess I've been doing more service than I realized.
At the end of the Biolife party Geremy was really sick. He was clingy and complaining about his stomach hurting. I really don't want last January all over again. He had a rough night of vomiting but managed to get better later that morning. It was touch and go for a few more days after that. I even had to sleep on the couch one night. But since about Wednesday he's okay again. Either I'm learning how to take care of it or it wasn't so bad this time....whatever it is.
Sunday we visited Jerry and Juanita. It was so good to see them. It was last year some time since we last visited. Way too long. I told her about the lady in Relief Society with the last name of Goulding from Price. The lady had said that there were two Goulding brothers who came from Australia to England and then to America where one of them changed their name to Golding. Juanita told me that Carmen has only been able to research back to the Civil War. That might be why. I'll have to talk to the lady some more. Interesting stuff.
Brenda was in Nunsense this past week. We saw her on Tuesday and thought she did a great job. Wednesday was the school swim party at Washington Community Center. I had to talk the front desk into not charging me. She said she was suppose to charge for siblings. I told her they were son's of a teacher, not siblings. Finally she gave in. I had to pick up pizza for Aaron's class after swimming because his class won a pizza party from the Kite Festival. His class had turned in the most papers from Heritage. That was exciting. When I picked them up the lady had no idea what I was talking about. She finally went and talked to her manager. The manager knew exactly what I was talking about and took care of it. I guess it was just a day of dealing with stupid people.
I wish it had just been a day though. Thursday was very frustrating. After doing my usual Thursday routine of dropping off the boys, Biolife, and picking up the boys, I was suppose to pick up Mattina Ann from school. When I got there she was no where to be found. I immediately started calling around to see if someone by the house could take her in. Fortunatly for her I had been inspired to put in the Relief Society Board Members on my cell phone that day. One of those members found her and took her in their house for about 45 min.
The boys fought all day Thursday. They couldn't look at each other without getting into a fist fight. I think Tanner going to kindergarten will be really good. It will give them some time apart. They can be best friends and worst enemies. It's just hard listening to them all day long. They had to play outside with Mattina Ann and AJ while Aaron and I did our annual health screening for our insurance. I was worried they'd continue to fight. At least the screening only lasted about 15 min. Even then Geremy had hit Tanner with a bat in the head. AARRGGGHHH!! The health screening was the same as usual. Aaron's cholesterol remains high and I was told to eat better. Like they know what I eat.
Mattina Ann had a band concert Thursday night. She did a great job.
Today I went to play group. Sister Moore came and talked to me. She was so glad to be out of the house and get the kids away from her for a moment. She was so done for now. Her two girls are 12 months apart. They are the same ages as Tanner and Geremy. They too are best friends....... It was nice to hear that she too had been having a rough week. I explained to her that she wasn't alone.
Tanner met the Kindergarten teachers today. He is so excited to be in Kindergarten. He is so ready. In preschool they've been testing him all year long to make sure he's ready. He brought home those tests this week and he is very ready. The main thing he can't do is tie his shoes. I told him he was suppose to learn that and he said, "Then teach me mom." He's so willing to learn. Too bad he's in sandals for the summer.
School gets out next week. I've been looking forward to this but I'm not sure I want it any more. The kids have been driving me crazy. I'm ready for a weekend break or something. And we're going to sit in the car for 2 weeks together real soon. We'll see how that goes.
As the week goes by I think, "I'll blog this." and then I can't think of anything as I'm writing. And yet, I always seem to keep my blogs on the long side. Oh well. It's a good journal anyway. I'll try to put pictures on tomorrow. No promises though.
PS. I put Geremy's birthday at the bottom in case someone hasn't seem them yet.


BA said...

You are pretty busy. Maybe this summer you can make a schedule for the children and find time to get lots of stuff done. Good luck on your vacation.

Unknown said...

Aaron and the boys qualify to be Sons of the Utah Pioneers. Mattina Ann qualifies for Daughters of the Utah Pioneers. Just so you know.

Geremy's 4th Birthday