Friday, April 30, 2010


On Saturday the 17th Tanner, Geremy, Mattina Ann, and I went to Zion's National Park with my mom and dad. Mattina Ann was lucky enough to spend the entire day with Grandma and Grandpa. The boys and I weren't able to go until 11:30. We had a lot of fun together.

The things Mattina Ann does with taffy!!

Mom's usual position :) :)

What cute parents!!

What crazy kids!!!

This squirrel came right up to Tanner's feet. It wanted food from Tanner. Sorry!

More crazy kids.

This guy was from Canada. We met him on the crowded shuttle. He said he rock climbs because he doesn't play hockey. He was a funny and interesting guy to listen to.
I saw a blind lady at Zion's. I was wondering what her appeal was to be in Zion's. I just kept thinking about how much I was SEEING there. It really made me think.
We started having problems with the car the day we went to Zion's. I was so greatful that after all the places I had to go, the day it finally stopped was a day I had time to get it fixed and didn't have to go anywhere. It was just a battery, thank goodness.
My back went way out last weekend. I couldn't move Friday thru Sunday. I hate going to church and getting all the looks and advice. I've been so glad I went to the chiropractor on Monday. Now if I could get rid of the spasms. I had to lay down again this morning for 3 hours before they were clearly gone. It's hard to take care of 2 little boys when all you do is lay down.
Geremy and Tanner are very excited for Geremy's birthday tomorrow. I'm working on the cake tonight. If I can figure out how to make a video, I'll put more pictures on of his birthday. It should be a lot of fun.
Ryan came home from DT this week. Brenda has to be strong for the plans she has for him. I know she can do it she just has to believe in herself. After a few rough weekends I'm hoping this one won't be so bad. The whole family is changing. It's nice to see the changes and improvements. Hopefully things will continue peacefully.
Tanner got his first note from a girl this week. She sent it home with him on Thursday. It was a picture of a boy pointing to his heart. It's so cute to see Tanner with all the girls in his class. There is one who always asks him to sit by her. This week Geremy also said that "Kiya is the star this week. She's the one with pretty long hair and she's a girl". I just might have my hands full with these two.
This past week was Teacher Appreciation week at the elementary school. The students and parents were very nice to Aaron this week. It's one of my favorite weeks of the year.
Well I'm done for the month. Wow! April was so fast and slow. We'll see how fast May goes.

1 comment:

BA said...

I love the pictures and the people in them. Zion's was a great day.

Geremy's 4th Birthday