Friday, February 5, 2010


The past 2-3 weeks have been very trying. Geremy got really sick starting January 18. He got up and was fine but by afternoon he was throwing up. For a kid that had never thrown up until this month he does a great job at hitting the toilet. Anyway, he would complain that his stomach hurts and wanted me to hold him...ALL THE TIME. He wouldn't let anyone else hold him. This meant NO SLEEP. Wednesday I took him to his doctor. He said that his tonsils and ears were infected and didn't even touch Geremy's stomach. He tested him for strep (which he had done on the 4th of Januay also when he was going thru this then) and it came back negative. (Again) They ran another test down Geremy's nose to his throat (what a good strong boy) and said we'd have the results in an hour or two. 3 hours later I called and they said they'd call me back. An hour later I called and they said they were gone for the day. FRUSTRATION!!!
Thursday morning I called again and they said they had lost the test and the doctor wouldn't be in until Friday. MORE FRUSTRATION!!! STILL NO SLEEP!!! Friday I called and they said they'd call me back. When they did they said the test came back negative. "So now what?" I asked. They said they'd call me back. When I called them they said he'd give him a medicine for his stomach. I asked what about his throat and ears and they said they'd call back. I was done at this point. I went to another doctor that afternoon. The new doctor said that he'd only been off the previous antibiotic for 8 days and his throat and ears were only "slightly" infected. She didn't know what was wrong with his stomach. "Feed him and he should feel better by Monday. If not then bring him back." My thought...WHAT???ANOTHER WEEKEND OF NO SLEEP? You take him for the weekend.
So I continued to do my best at taking care of Geremy. Aaron took him to church on Sunday and told me to stay home and get some sleep. FINALLY. 3 hours was excellent at that time. So needed. Thank you Aaron.
That afternoon we went over to Reep's. (Aaron's dad's house) Brenda suggested apple juice to make him have a bowel movement. (He hadn't had a movement since Monday). We also picked up the prescription from the first doctor. After giving him the prescription he threw up again all night long. Florescent Yellow. Why? I don't know. The medicine was pink. The stomach medicine he gave him was for ulcer's. But nobody knows what's "wrong" with him. Monday afternoon he acted fine and did have a bowel movement. He was back to "my stomach hurts" that evening and night. Tuesday he finally ate at 10:00 and I took him to school at 11:15. His teachers said he was great. From that point on he's been feeling much better. He's eating me out of house and home. The only problem now is that he has itching attacks. All over his body. No rash. Just itches. We think he's allergic to the medicine.
That same Tuesday Dick (Aaron's dad) went in for a hip replacement. All went well until the recovery room. At that point Dick stopped breathing. They intibated him and sedated him until the next day. When he wouldn't move his left side they did a MRI. They found he had a major stroke. Brenda had 2 hours to prepare to be life flighted to Salt Lake with Dick. I was called and told to pick up Rianna and Ryan. They hadn't seen their dad yet. I called Aaron and told him to get to the hospital immediatly. His co-workers are great. I had been the contact number for so many people while Dick was in St George that when they left for Salt Lake and we didn't hear anything for a day.....we were lost.
In the mean time, we went to Donna William's house to see her new engagment ring. When we got there her neighbor's apartment was on fire. Donna had moved from next door only 2 weeks ago. Donna was helping her neighbor who had smoke inhalation. Donna rode with her in the ambulance. We left and went shopping. When we were on our way home we texted Donna and asked if she needed a ride home. I hit all red lights going down Bluff. I never hit red lights. We knew she was going to need a ride. She texted us back at Smith's and said she needed a ride. We turned down BlVD and had green lights all the way to the hospital. WOW!!.
Thursday they took out a 3x3 of Dick's skull and part of his Cerebral. Saturday Aaron drove Brenda's van up with her kids and I drove our van with Shannin Phillips and Rachel. 14 people in all. We got to see Dick that night. It was good to see him, even if he didn't know we were there. It was good to see Grandma and Grandpa Reep, Tom and Karin, and all the family. Just wish it was under better circumstances.
Sunday my kids went to church with my parents and Aaron and I spent about 4 hours at the hospital. We had what I called an encouraging visit with Dick. We watched the nurse brush his teeth and hair. After rolling him up on the bed Aaron talked to him and Dick squeezed his hand. I went to the other side and was sure he could see me. I thought he was trying to say something but we couldn't understand. The occupationa nurse came in after that and we had to leave. I felt good about the visit but Aaron was still discouraged. Later Aaron was able to give him a blessing. I am so proud of him and being able and worthy to excercise the priesthood. We went home later that day.
Monday I was able to help Brenda by paying some of the bills and depositing some money. I really enjoy being able to help. Dick had a Tracheotomy because of a difficult airway. Tuesday Dick seemed really depressed. He is so up and down. It's hard to be away and not able to visit. I'm so happy Brenda has the blog going with updates. (Great idea Aaron)
Yesterday Brenda had the kids come back to St. George. I was frustrated all day because I wasn't the one to pick them up in Fillmore. Everyone just told me to let other have the blessings. I just want to do as much as I can. I guess I feel like I'm not doing enough.
Yesterday I also found out that Tyler's dad (Deeann's husband) had a brain tumor the size of a lemon removed. Tyler's having a hard time with this. I hope he knows our prayers are with him also.
This morning I found out that Jerry (my uncle) fell and had to have back surgery. He seems to be recovering well and either came home today or will be home tomorrow.

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Geremy's 4th Birthday