We finally got out of town at 6. We went to Salt Lake and made really good time. We got there about 10. We spent Sunday in Salt Lake. Aaron kept trying to meet up with his brother and mom but it didn't work out. Aaron's allergies were way out of control. He slept a good part of the day. We played some games (dancing something or other on a mat) and had a home evening. It was nice.
Today we had a nice visit with Aaron's mom and finally left Salt Lake at 1:00 for Rawlins Wyoming.
This picture is the last one that camera will take. The wind was blowing like crazy and the wind blew the tripod over right after the picture snapped. The camera landed face down in sand. Now there is sand in the camera and it won't adjust or anything. Boy was Aaron mad. We also don't know where some hook up thing for the GPS is. I'm guessing at home. Aaron thought it was in the car. Nothing seemed to be going right. The good news is, we finally made it to the hotel. The children are wired. The tv at this hotel won't accept the WII and the pool is being repaired. We walked to Taco Bell for dinner. We figured if we walked we'd get the kids worn out somewhat.
On the way here we found a storm. We think it is the same one from the night before in Salt Lake. We never hit rain but it was fun to see the lightning and watch the sky divide black and blue. The children also really enjoyed counting the train cars every time we saw a train. There were quite a few.
The children aren't exactly sure where we are and where we are going. I'll have to pull the map up on the internet and let them see our route. Geremy keeps asking how far from St. George we are. I think if all of us can be happy this will be a fun trip.
I'm so sorry about your camera. I hope the rest of the motels are more friendly.
Somehing that I used to do on trips is to get a trip tik from AAA. You can also do this on line. Go to AAA and request the origine of the trip and the destinations. Their computer does the rest. Then print that out and someone gets to be navigator. That can change from person to person. Sorry that I didn't think of that sooner. Sorry about the camera. That is a bumber. But now you know that in Wyoming, the wind blows and blows and blows. There is nothing to stop it. Keep having a good outlook. There are still the old fashioned cameras available. I know it is not the same, but you can still have memories.
Love, Mom/Grandma Judy
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