Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 2 in Nauvoo

After a late night last night we got off to an early start this morning. The first place we went to was the Family Living Center. We learned how to make wool thread, bread, candle making, weaving, rope making, pottery, and then the barrell making (Coopers). The children got candles and made a rope together. I really enjoyed the bread. It was good.
Then we went to the Scovil Bakery and got a gingerbread cookie. Afterwards we went to the Pioneer Pastimes. We spent quite a while there. We loved it. There were all kinds of games. We got a lot of it on video. It was there that Brenda and her children caught up to us. We got her kids to participate in the games as well.
We then went to the Stoddard Tin Shop. They used so many patterns to make things. Then it was off to the Browning Home and Gunsmith Shop. Geremy was tired and hungry at this point. Brenda and Ryan had gone to a play at this point. I was told that I had a lot of Grandchildren. Aaron just laughed. I didn't think it was that funny. If I'm the grandma then isn't Aaron the grandpa?
We ate lunch in the car. It was raining pretty good. Then we went on a Wagon Tour of Old Nauvoo. I tried sleeping through that. It was interesting and relaxing. Brenda still had to get lunch so we went our separate ways again. We went to the Brickyard. That was interesting for all. Each family only got 1 brick. Lucky me.
We then went to Riser Boot and Shoe. That was interesting as well. They made shoes on the way but it seems to me like they still didn't have enough. Then we went to the Webb Brothers' Blacksmith Shop. There were a lot of people there. We sat in the back and the missionary giving the tour asked that Tanner and Geremy sit in the front so they could see. We learned how they made wheels for the wagons. Then in the next room we watched the missionary make a horseshoe from a straight metal. He handed out praire rings. When they got to Tanner he dropped them. I just shook my head. He asked if anyone had questions; and there's Geremy with his hand up. He asked 2 great questions. It's amazing how well he was paying attention. Tanner too had to ask a question. When the missionary was done with the horseshoe he asked a question. The person who got the question right got the horseshoe. The question was, "What did Joseph Smith say the saints needed most?" Somebody said faith. Wrong. Mattina Ann said the temple. She now has a horseshoe. How appropriate that it was her.
We then had Mattina Ann take some pictures of Aaron and I at the temple. We dropped the children off with Brenda and Aaron and I went to a session in the Nauvoo Temple. That is 30 temples for us. Aaron and I were the witness couple. It was a really nice session. 5 people including us. When we went into the session it looked like tons of rain coming. When we left, it was so clear and beautiful. We met up with Brenda and watched Sunset by the Mississippi and another performance by the BYU Young Ambassadors. It was really nice.
We didn't make it back to the hotel until after 10. A long day, but very nice and eventful. The children did a lot and all of us learned tons.

1 comment:

Guymon Family said...

Nauvoo temple is my favorite temple. Even the dressing room is beautiful. Cool to have that one be the 30th.

Geremy's 4th Birthday